How Disney’s princesses reflect the evolution of modern-day women

This article explains how the animated Disney movies have evolved as time has gone by. The author indicates that the role of the female characters in Disney movies have evolved in a way that gives the female character more substance, and allows them to take charge. This type of change was mainly seen in films made in the 21st century, unlike the films made in the early 20th century (i.e. Snow White).

The author also explains how the newer disney versions of fairy tales are no longer about happy endings, and they are not love stories anymore. Instead these stories are more about the characters standing up for their independence and to not do as they are told. But it is because of these fairy tales and the time that they were made that they all send a unique message to the viewers. It also tells us about the culture in the time period of which these films were created.

By Shelbie Cornelius

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